
Liv i bevægelseAnne Sophie N. Christensen
Autoriseret osteopat
Medlem af Danske osteopater

Fly instruktion

2023 Advanced Visceral Manipulation, Jean Pierre Barral. DK
2022 Fields & levels, with Gez Lamb / Difficult clinical cases. Prof. Renzo Molinari, UK
2021 Visceral Manipulation 1, Kåre Nielsen. DK
2017-2020 Woman’s Health, Postgraduate course, Renzo Molinari, UK
2019 Womens health course; Stress, anxiety and depression, Brain-gut-pelvis axis. With Nathalie Camirand D.O. and Dino Muzzi D.O.
2018 Biodynamics, Phase VI, Christian Sullivan D.O. Spain
2017 Biodynamics, Phase V, Christian Sullivan D.O. Spain
2016 Biodynamics, Phase III. Christian Sullivan D.O. Spain
2016 Ten days dissection, with Gil Hedley at St. Andrews University, Scotland.
2016 Membranes, forms and functions. Biodynamics phase III. With Christian Sullivan D.O.
2016 Osteopathy for babies and children. With Hanne De Ruyck D.O.
2015 Fluid dynamics. Biodynamics phase II. With Christian Sullivan D.O.
2015 OSD congress on osteopathy and pediatrics, Berlin.
2014 Osteopathic sensory brigdes and the direction of ease. Biodynamics phase I
Postgraduate ved Christian Sullivan D.O.
2013 Fluid in Osteopathy. Postgraduate kursus ved Michael Harris
2013 The role of osteopathy, the mother and school children. Postgraduate ved Giles Cleghorn
2012 Bachelor of Science in Osteopathy ved Osteopat Hogskolan, Sverige
2009 Helsekostvejleder v. Ganefryd Helsekostbutik, Århus
2005 Kurser i Osteopati, Keele University, Manchester
2004 Stott Pilates instruktør v. Natural Balance Pilates, Århus
2002 Massageterapeut v. Massageskolen Kbh

Klinik for manuel behandling, Århus
Natural Balance Pilates Studio, Århus
Aurehøj klinikken, Hellerup
Visby osteopat Center, Gotland